Michael Bradbury

Sales Representative, SRES

Michael Bradbury

Sales Representative, SRES
Year Joined:

My background is in sales, but my passion has always been working with people.  I love helping clients on a personal level and Bradbury Estate Realty lets me do that every day.  I am an expert in downsizing, particularly in working with seniors, and I run the service and operations side of BER.  My role allows me to be very hands-on in the giveback model that BER is known for, and I’m able to see the impact that our services have each day. Just as important as my experience, knowledge and skills, I treat our clients like I’d treat my own family. I am very proud of the business we are building and I know we are making a difference in our clients’ lives.

Cities I know well:
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My Listings

5317 Riverside Dr.

My Typical Workday

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The Real Me!

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